Rules & Regulations
Library Rules & Regulations
- Cooperate to keep Library environment peaceful for everyone to support and encourage learning and knowledge building.
- Library remains open from
06.30 AM to 11.30 AM from Monday to Friday and
06.30 AM to 10.00 AM on Saturdays.
- To borrow books "Demand slip" is to be duly filled in and submitted to the library counter within 8.30 A.M everyday
- Book Return timing:
Monday to Saturday within 08.30 AM
- Book issue for borrowing “Reading@home” from 08.30 AM to 11.00 AM from Monday to Friday, till 09.30 AM on Saturdays. Duration 15 days
- Students may retain a book drawn on Borrower’s Card for 15 days. A penalty of Rs.2/- (Rupees two only) per day per volume will be charged on expiry of the due date of return. Sundays, Public Holidays, vacations and Pandemic period are exempted.
- Reference Books cannot be taken out of the Library, are not allowed to borrow as well.
- Must present Library Card each time while borrowing or requesting re-issue of the book.
- The borrower is responsible for loss or damage of the books borrowed on the cards. In case of book loss / damage, borrower must be replace issued book with new book of the same.
- Loss of Library Card/s must be brought to the notice of Librarian.
- Duplicate Cards will be issued on payment of Fine of Rs. 50.00 (Fifty Rupees) per card.
- Library Cards must be returned while issuing Transfer Certificate (TC), requesting NOC and/or during processing Caution Money Refund.
- Library card holder is liable for any book borrowed on lost library card even after intimation of the loss of library card and the library does not undertake any responsibility in such cases.
- When a book is borrowed from the library, it should be examined carefully and attention of the library staff should be drawn in case of any defect or damage found, otherwise the last borrower will be held responsible for damage.
- Mobile phones must be kept in silent mode while using it in the library.